Dietro le quinte della battaglia di Roma Est

di Fabio Papetti (Investigative Reporting Project Italy – IrpiMedia) La battaglia di Roma Est è un’inchiesta di IrpiMedia sulle infiltrazioni della criminalità organizzata nel quartiere di Centocelle a seguito della crisi economica prodotta dalla pandemia del 2020. Un’infiltrazione cominciata anni prima, con gesti anche eclatanti. L’interesse per questa vicenda, infatti, comincia da una serie di… Continua a leggere Dietro le quinte della battaglia di Roma Est

Walking on the edge. Cooperation and data sharing between academic researchers and journalists while investigating crimes and other deviant behaviors

by Michele Riccardi (Crime&tech e Transcrime – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Chapter 3: technical challenges and summary Technical challenges The legal challenges above illustrated are mirrored in a number of technical challenges. In summary, it is necessary to address three needs. First, the need to preserve personal data protection of both users (i.e. journalists… Continua a leggere Walking on the edge. Cooperation and data sharing between academic researchers and journalists while investigating crimes and other deviant behaviors

Walking on the edge. Cooperation and data sharing between academic researchers and journalists while investigating crimes and other deviant behaviors

by Michele Riccardi (Crime&tech e Transcrime – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Chapter 2: Public interest and personal data protection Crime prevention research, journalism and personal data processing As mentioned, for carrying out work in the field of crime analysis, academic researchers and journalists often need to process personal data. For example, for assessing the… Continua a leggere Walking on the edge. Cooperation and data sharing between academic researchers and journalists while investigating crimes and other deviant behaviors

Walking on the edge. Cooperation and data sharing between academic researchers and journalists while investigating crimes and other deviant behaviors

by Michele Riccardi (Crime&tech e Transcrime – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Chapter 1: the background and the legal challenges The background The cooperation between journalists and academic researchers is one of the many expressions of the so-called “citizen science” domain. In this big world, a small village is the one built by the investigative… Continua a leggere Walking on the edge. Cooperation and data sharing between academic researchers and journalists while investigating crimes and other deviant behaviors

Duomo connection. Research-journalism cooperation to investigate the corporate ownership transparency behind the Milan housing market

by Michele Riccardi (Crime&tech e Transcrime – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) As it often happens, this time the cooperation with IrpiMedia starts in a late night chat on Whatsapp with Lorenzo (Bagnoli). Lorenzo: Have you seen this? And he pastes the web link of a media news describing an enormous real estate investment project… Continua a leggere Duomo connection. Research-journalism cooperation to investigate the corporate ownership transparency behind the Milan housing market

Titolare effettivo: tra prospettiva accademica e giornalistica

di Lorenzo Bagnoli (Investigative Reporting Project Italy – IrpiMedia) Il titolare effettivo di un’azienda (UBO) di un’azienda è un argomento che è diventato di pubblico dominio dopo una pubblicazione giornalistica, cioè i Panama Papers. In realtà, il tema è da sempre discusso a livello accademico. Lo studio macro dei dati infatti è difficile che entri… Continua a leggere Titolare effettivo: tra prospettiva accademica e giornalistica

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